Team Puck Virtual Poker Game...
$75 VIP Game: Tue, July 28th 7:30pm
Thank you for registering for the Team Puck V.I.P Virtual Poker Tournament.
Online Poker is a lot more fun with Zoom while playing:
Zoom for Tournament is at: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85070988314
Below you will find:
Instructions on downloading Pokerstars
Info on joining the Group where the game will be held
How to Register for the game
A Video Tutorial on the above and on how to play on Pokerstars
If you have any questions or would like a video tutorial on how to play poker please contact us at: Info@21forFun.com
Download the free PokerStars software from here:
***Instructions for Laptop or Computer. (Mobile instructions are similar)***
- Open the main poker lobby, then click on the 'Home Games' tab
- Click the 'Join a Poker Club' button
- Enter Club ID number: 3625399
- Enter Invitation Code: 21forfun
FREE Chips:
- You will need chips to play.
Click “Free Chips” at top of screen.
Every click gets you 15,000 chips.
You can get more chips every 4 hours
You will need 20,000 chips to play in tournament
You will need to be accepted before registering for the game. We will accept you shortly after you sign up
Registering for game:
Main lobby Click on the “Home Games” Bottom Right
Click ”Open Club Lobby”
Click “My Scheduled Tournaments" ( in the lower box)
Double Left Click "$75 VIP Game"(see pic below)

Home Games

Video Tutorials
Register for Game Here
Video on joining group:
Video on How to Play on Pokerstars:
Click "Register" at top right corner in Green of the new screen